Friday 28 July 2017

Have I Ever Been Paid To Blog?

Recently I've seen this topic floating around social media a lot. 

I read a lot of differing opinions. 

I wanted to write this short post to give a little shout out to the small bloggers doing it for themselves...

I have never received payment for a blog post in my life. 

Everything I blog about is my choice. I use my own words and my own photography. Yes, this can be really hard. For example I can't just throw together a post trialling lots of different makeup or trialling high end makeup for the first time because I cannot afford the makeup. I am not receiving the makeup for free and I don't currently have permanent employment to earn the money for the products. 

I won't deny that it is frustrating to see bloggers receive multiple products for review or for promotion purposes. Typically these people have to have a "social media influence" or a "big blogger status". It kind of reminds me of the old saying money goes to money. 
I understand many of these recipients would argue that they have worked for these luxuries or opportunities. 
But I won't deny that its frustrating when your trying to work hard and can't seem to strike it lucky.

Finding the positives:

For me, the biggest positive is that no one has control over the content I post. I am not told what I should write or what I should photograph. I have complete freedom. I don't have to give false praise to a product if I think its trash. I am not obligated to write anything on behalf of a company. If I want to post about a makeup look one day and baking the next - I can. I love that!! Its so refreshing. 

Yes, its frustrating to not have the financial gain or reward and I do get frustrated by it often .. but I remind myself that its freeing to know that whatever I decide to post is up to me!

So there it is, for the small bloggers who don't receive anything for their work. For the bloggers that are just solely sharing their thoughts and life through their page - how transparent and genuine and personally rewarding. 

Whats your thoughts on receiving payment for blogging?


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